Tru Dermal LED GLOW


We’ve been waiting to spill the beans for a while. Introducing your new home care product, Tru Dermal LED Light Therapy Mask called GLOW!

Glow is the ONLY custom made take home mask in the professional sector that offers the power of all 3 clinically proven wavelengths in combinations that can treat all skin concerns with the one mask. With removable eye protection, top quality medical grade silicone and one of the first ever treatments for the top lip area, there is no skin condition this mask cannot target! 

It is innovative, FDA + TGA approved, has 3 different mode settings, 132 LEDs at optimised energy and angle placement.

You can now achieve your skincare goals faster and with no downtime.

Use for only 10 minutes 3 x week. 

visit us at the boutique

39 Chute Street, Diamond Creek